Friday, November 6, 2015

Post # 11

It's hard to believe, but the first quarter of fourth grade is over! 

What a bountiful fall week we had! The field trip to Mt. Vernon was picture perfect. Ellie S. was the class photographer. She was hard at work capturing the beauty of George Washington's home. The girls toured the property, watched several 4-D movies and spent time in the education center. We were even treated to a private fife march with one of Mt. Vernon's guides. Our bus driver told me that she has never driven a finer group of students. She was amazed by the girls behavior and manners. 

President slideshows are being presented. The girls are practicing there public speaking and learning about the presidents of the 20th century. We are moving into the decades beginning with the turn of the the 21st century. The girls will learn about key event from the current millennium and from their we will go back in time. 

The girls worked with they're Halloween candy data. They created spreadsheets, analyzed there data, imagined opening a candy story, wrote a slogan/jingle. Several girls even composed music to go along with their jingle. Here's a graph sample:

We assessed Unit Three on Monday and are moving into Unit Four which focuses on decimals. Ask your daughter to explain the connection between decimals and manners. I couldn't resist working in a little character development when we started the decimal unit. 

As you know, our book reports are created in class and will always involve a multi-media element. The girls developed a story map, chose images that represented key events, and music that reflected the tone of they're novel. The plan was to create an iMovie book trailer. The plan fell through. iMovie was having a failure to thrive so we quickly shifted gears and used Animoto for Education. I used my frustration/disappointment as a life lesson and (hopefully) modeled the importance of being resilient and looking for alternatives when confronted with a stumbling block. Here's the good news.... the book reports look amazing. Several girls have finished; others will do so next week. Take a sneak preview here

The girls will be introduced to many different ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES during the second quarter. Soon there will be an ENRICHMENT page on our Fourthie site. Enrichment is not just for early finishers. All girls are encouraged to stretch themselves and explore areas of interest. I introduced Solve me Mobiles this week. Solve me Mobiles take number sense to a whole new level. Accounts were created for interested girls. Maybe your daughter can explain:
Spelling is no longer a one size fits all. Girls are welcome to move along at there pace as long as they're spelling in written work continues to be correct. I will continue to assign spelling lists every other week for those girls who feel comfortable at that pace. All are welcome to come in for "Jump Start" Tuesday through Friday (beginning at 7:30) to take spelling quizzes early, work on enrichment activities, or simply get ready for the day.

Girls- The blog post mystery question is...... What homonym have I used incorrectly throughout this post? Type your answer here or you can wait until Monday.

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