Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Post #10

Innovation Day, Halloween Party, and Wordly Wise Dress-Up Day! What a week!

I'll begin this post with TWO BIG events happening next week. Fourthies will be taking their first field trip on Tuesday. The forecast calls for sunny skies and 70 degrees temperatures. Cross your fingers that the forecast holds- this will make for a perfect experience at Mt. Vernon.
Mt. Vernon field trip details
Mt. Vernon Food Court prices

Fourthies will attend the St. Catherine's Day Service on Friday. The service has been moved to All Saints Episcopal because of the renovation being done at St. Stephen's Church. The girls will need to wear a dress, skirt, or nice slacks. Of course they may bring a change of clothes for PE.

Now on to this week's highlights. One of my favorite quotes is Albert Einstein's comment about intelligence and creativity.
AND our week was filled with creativity. The girls worked on a Wordly Wise project creating "Breaking News" banners, texting with a president, and rewriting the Star Wars opening crawls using Wordly Wise words. The items were mashed into a Google Drawing page and can be viewed in your daughter's Google Drive. Here are a few examples of chats with presidents and a Star Wars crawl:
The girls finished their presidential research and created a slideshow. Presentations will begin next week.

Beautiful fall themed picture books were written during our writing lab. We used Storybird; several of the girls were familiar with the site and were able to offer assistance to others. Storybird begins with thought provoking images that spark a story.

The girls are becoming adept at reading non-fiction while becoming globally aware citizens at the same time. This week they searched Newsela by location and read articles of personal interest. The articles were summarized and added to a collaborative map. The map will reinforce geography skills next week.

Math centered around Halloween themed problem solving using infographics and UNICEF statistics. The girls completed a unit review for their test on Monday (my original plan was to test this Friday- WHAT WAS I THINKING!!). The review is in their backpacks. There is math homework this weekend. The girls need to tally their candy. We will use the data for a graphing activity nest week.

Thursday's Innovation Day was a big hit. The girls worked well with their first grade partners. Pictures of the event are posted on the blog. Friday was filled with fun and friendship. The girls were so clever in their Wordly Wise outfits. A big shout-out to all the parents who helped out with treats, games, and most importantly their time. I am so very appreciative-so are your daughters:)

Girls- Your blog question is.........
What is the Tuesday forecast for our first field trip?

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