Friday, October 23, 2015

Post #9

I enjoyed our conferences and sharing the home/school connections. I feel so very fortunate to be the teacher in room M02. Such a caring, motivated, and creative group of girls! 
I was very proud of the girls'  forgiveness themed chapel. I was hoping to post the chapel to the blog but the file is much too BIG!

We continue to work with literary elements in fiction stories. During our writing lab, the girls developed a strong setting using imagery and their senses to describe some spooky scenes. Our writing lab was finished and all groaned that there wasn't more time to write the entire story. All writing labs are in your daughter's Google Drive for quick access and easy viewing. 

We had a little fun with our Wordly Wise words. The girls worked with their weekly partners and "texted" each other. They used their WW words in the faux texts and included a value/virtue. Here's an example:
We'll do more of this next week. Maybe the girls can have an imaginary conversation with the president they are researching. Should be interesting.....
Presidents were randomly chosen and research is underway. The girls are using sites found on history4fourthies as well as the library databases to gather their facts. Next week the girls will create a slideshow and present their president to the class. I plan on videotaping them and posting to the blog.

The girls learned prime factorization and have become skilled at dissecting numbers and finding factor pairs. We worked with maps and scales and interacted with a map with some pretty unique names.  Problem solving featured populations and distances. The girls learned how candy corn is made and did some problem solving as well. Unit 3 math assessment will be next Friday. Look for a completed review on Thursday.

Did you trick or treat for UNICEF? St. Catherine's is participating in this wonderful cause. It brought back so many memories for me when the girls constructed their container. My hometown participated in "Trick or Treat" for UNICEF every year. Please ask your daughter about the video they watched and how this program helps children around the world. 

Fiction books should be finished by Friday. The book report will be a book trailer- similar to a movie trailer. The girls will use iMovie for this project. This is an opportunity for their creativity to shine.

The girls should spend some time reviewing the weekly homework page. There are many details about Wordly Wise dress-up, the recorder project, Innovation Day, etc. A few girls mentioned they were having difficulty with the recorder project. I am open for "Jump Start" beginning this Tuesday. The girls are welcome to come to the classroom beginning at 7:30 to get extra help, work on enrichment activities, their music project, or organize for the day. "Jump Start" is every Tuesday-Friday.  

On the horizon:
Thursday, October 29th (School begins at 10:00 and Innovation Day)
Our class is paired with Mrs, Thornhill's girls
Friday, October 30th (Wordly Wise dress-up day, Halloween Party 9:00-10:00)
Tuesday, November 3rd (All day field trip to Mt. Vernon- details here.)

Girls- Your blog scavenger hunt question.........
How many WW words are Madison and Grace's text?

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