Friday, October 2, 2015

Post #6

Happy Birthday St. Catherine's!

I've been enjoying the smell of chlorine this week:) And the girls are enjoying swimming. I love how they come back soaking wet, sometimes out of breath but ready to tackle the day. The girls completed their first cumulative math test on Thursday. The test included an audio component, Musical Moment, and a writing prompt. There will always be a thorough review prior to a cumulative assessment. The girls independently checked their review using QR codes and answers hidden in cubbies. This freed me up to meet individually with each girl to check her understanding of key concepts.
Look for the math test in the next "work packet." Work packets are in backpacks. No need to send the papers back to school- an empty folder will do. We are moving into unit 3 but will continue to work with geometry terms and concepts as they relate to our Fourthie Design Project. Unit 3 focuses on number sentences, multiplication, division, and problem solving. The girls completed their Geometry/Abstract Art project. We decided to display them in the classroom because they are beautiful works of art. Here's a peak at the completed projects:

Click here to listen to our Blabbers.

The first book report is in the works. The girls are summarizing the animal they chose and using the library data bases to find additional information. Their summaries are written in first person. Here's the fun part- the summaries are dictated into Blabberize. Some are quite comical! See what you think?

Ask your daughter about her Piclit writing. The girls love sharing their creativity. Grace P. was the first to share her Piclit. Her Piclit received a spontaneous round of applause from the class. I love the way this group of girls support and celebrate one another.
Piclit by Grace P.
Piclit by Austin
And now for the best news of the week!
The girls earned 25 compliments and we are now ready to celebrate. Compliments are earned by working together, modeling our school values (daisy pedals), living our monthly virtues, and by being our best selves. I'm very proud of the girls. On Monday, we will practice the concept of a direct democracy (taught earlier in September) and the girls will choose the celebration. Good times ahead.

Date, memos, etc:
* Swimming is next week- Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. The girls may come directly to the classroom when they arrive at school. We'll hang out and then go to the Kenny Center together.
* Please consider joining us for Parents' Technology Night on October 8th. We use a great deal of technology to enhance and enrich our curriculum.
* Weekly homework is posted on the blog each Friday. I'm encouraging each girl to develop a study plan based on her activities and schedule. It's all about time and management.
* Blessing of the Animals 8:15 on the Green (explanation in work packet).
* Lend a Helping Paw Outreach Project ( explanation in work packet).

* Recorders are needed in music next week. Ms. Merrick has shared a letter outlining the role of the recorder in music class.

Girls- Your Blog Scavenger Hunt Question......
What season is displayed in Austin's Piclit?
Do you have an idea for our Compliment Celebration? Click here.

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. McCallum, I my having a problem with entering my idea for the party. It says I need permission for it.
