Friday, September 25, 2015

Post #5

Swimming begins on Tuesday!

The PE department has shared these details with us regarding swimming. The girls will go to the green top and playground as they do every morning. I will meet them in front of McVey and walk with them to the pool. Please pack an extra snack on swimming days. Swimming tends to leave the girls famished!

History4Fourthies is all about the job of the president. The girls learned about the requirements and responsibilities of POTUS. They balanced the federal budget, chose advisors, and held a press conference. Each girl will research a president next week. We'll use the many LS library databases. 

The girls independently completed their Wordly Wise quizzes. These quizzes are tough. Ask your daughter to log into her Quia account to see her progress with Wordly Wise. The girls use the Wordly Wise words during math instruction and complete creative writing assignments using the words. Check out your daughter's creative writing composition book. 

The focus of our writing lab was using varied and specific transitions. Fourthies have a tendency to overuse 'then' and 'but' and we are working to remedy that.  The girls work in their Google Drive account and I'm able to read, comment, and make suggestions on their document as they are writing. This makes for an active and ongoing revision process. Piclits were introduced this week. Piclits are image inspired writing. Piclits reinforce parts of speech, strengthen vocabulary and give the girls a creative voice in their writing. Next week's writing lab will feature Piclit writing. Writing labs can be found on our Fourthie Site

We worked with data, large number computation, geometry/abstract art, and problem solving in math. The girls were introduced to a variety of ways to solve problems. The girls will take their first cumulative math test next Thursday. A study guide will always be provided prior to the assessment.

Interested in learning more about the technology integration in Fourth grade? Please join us for a Parents' Technology Workshop on October 8th.

Fourthie enthusiasm at the Women's Jr. Cycling Race!

Your blog question.......
What does POTUS stand for?

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