Friday, September 4, 2015

Post #2

Fabulous Fourthies for sure! The girls of Room M02 are an impressive bunch. They have already earned 6 class compliments for being responsible citizens who consistently modeled our school values. We are off to a great start and I feel like I have known them forever and not a mere four days. You can glimpse our week by viewing the class photos. Each week a "student photographer" will use the class iPad to capture memories. Campbell did a great job this week. In addition to a class photographer, we also have a class tweeter. Our classroom has a Twitter account that will spread the news of academic and team building activities in our classroom. Austin filled this role during the first week. The Fourthies set goals after watching a persistent squirrel who refused to give up. We talked about the importance of having a determined attitude and taking advantage of help when needed.

Academic highlights:
The girls were introduced to Wordly Wise, our vocabulary program. Wordly Wise is more than a workbook. The girls will engage in creative writing activities, movie making and more using WW words. There are many practice activities on our Fourthie site.
Let's talk about "Three Word Thursday", also referred to as 3WT. During this activity the girls write creatively using random words. Ask your daughter to show you her 3WT notebook next week. 

I hope your daughter shared her math fact contract with you. Fact fluency will be reinforced each week with a quick fact check every Friday. We use "That Quiz" for assessing. More on "That Quiz" during "Parents Night." We will be working on Units One and Two simultaneously for the next several weeks. Unit One focuses on geometry terms and Unit Two on number sense, place value, and using data landmarks. Musical Moments reinforce computation skills and data landmarks. Friday Musical Moments will feature Boy Bands. We use EdPuzzle for fun problem solving. Take a look at this week's EdPuzzle.

Homework is posted each Friday and I encouraged the girls to preview the week and make plans in regards to their own schedule and after school activities. 

I hope to see everyone next Thursday at "Parents Night." I look forward to getting to know both you your daughters.

Girls- Your weekly blog question is...... 

Write the name of one girl in the front row of our class picture at the top of the blog. Write your answer in your agenda.

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