Friday, November 13, 2015

Post #12

What if Fourthies could line the highways with billboards? The girls photographed our beautiful school and their beautiful friends and made motivational billboards that celebrate who we are. We uploaded the billboards to (a site that we visit often for discussion starters and pick-me ups). Several of the billboards are now published on and all are posted outside our classroom.

History4fourthies has taken us into the turn of the 21st century. We discussed the events of September 11, 2001 and looked at the emergence of technology in society. Did you know that the first iPod was a big hit in 2001? The girls now understand how many hours, days, jubilees, etc. they have been alive and practiced rounding and reading big numbers. This history4fourthies job included a reflection on gratitude. The girls added up their blessings and all that they have to be grateful for. Sometimes you just need a little reminding:) Magazine covers featuring the presidents was the culminating activity for our presidential research:

Our class book clubs were formed this week. The girls are reading All of a Kind Family by Sydney Taylor. The novel is set in New York City at the turn of the 20th century and tells the story from the perspective of the five young daughters. The girls will read and discuss the novel with their book club. Each week a different member of the club will lead the discussion. There should be some lively conversation.

Decimals were the hot topic in math. The girls read, wrote, compared, and plotted decimals. We also worked with order of operations and had a little fun "Splating" the answers to the equations. The literary device, personification, was introduced in language arts and also spotlighted in some EDPuzzle problem solving- Oreos are milk's favorite cookie and Goldfish is the snack that smiles back. The girls included personification in their writing and made dog food, pencils, phones, flowers, and animals express feelings and opinions. More on personification next week. Boy Band Friday was back this week. The girls practiced their calculation skills listening to N Sync and Justin Timberlake was voted as the class favorite.
We enjoyed watching the book trailers created in Animoto. The girls chose themes, pictures, and music that represented the plot and conflict of their book. I love their creativity!

ERB testing is next week. The schedule is posted on the blog. We chatted about the importance of rest and a positive attitude during a long week of testing. Unlike in third grade, ERBs are not read to the girls. This seemed to please most of the girls. There will be no written homework next week nor a fact check. The girls should continue to review and study their spelling and Wordly Wise words for quizzes on Thursday and Friday.

One more thing.... This fabulous group of Fourthies earned their second 25 compliments! I am so proud of them and the way they work as a team, support one another, and model our school values. A celebration is in the works.

Your blog question is.......
What color is Justin Timberlake's shirt? Click here to submit your answer. Click here to make a suggestion for our Compliment Celebration.

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