Friday, November 20, 2015

Post # 13

A good chunk of our week was spent testing. The girls are working hard to keep their focus and to bring their best effort to each test. We did manage to work in several fun, creative, and innovative activities. We dabbled with Buncee, which is a web based multi-media creation tool. The girls had a blast and once again their creativity shined. The girls will use Buncee to tell a story using their Wordly Wise words. Here's an example of a Buncee slide:

The girls played Decimal Turkey War and created a Decimal Turkey. They listened to decimals and combined their geometry skills to build a turkey with vivid colors and geometric shapes. Several girls are going to town with Solve me Mobiles. And more girls are asking for accounts to participate in this number sense thinker! I joked around and told the girls that I could sit back during the fraction unit because they have mastered basic skills and can teach the unit:) While we are on the topic of math enrichment, Greg Tang has put together a Thanksgiving challenge similar to what the girls did on Halloween. The challenge is optional and due on December 2nd. Mrs. Applewhite left a set of math masters (also optional) for the girls to work on since we missed our time with her due to ERBing (we made ERB testing into a verb).

A special thanks to Lucy for bringing delicious muffins for us all to enjoy! 

Some important information:
* The Outreach Canned Food Drive ends on Monday. Please check your pantries and send in what you can.
* Book Fair is on 12/2 @ 2:30

Blog question.... Not a question this week, but a request. Please bring a grocery bag to school for cubby cleaning and organizing.

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