Thursday, May 26, 2016

Post #35

What if Disney princesses were real life heroines? The girls are writing fairy tales about real life princesses. They are using the elements of a fairy tale but also including historical facts. We'll have
"Story Time" next week when the girls present their fairy tales to the class.

We wrapped up the 1940's and took a look at the many inventions and products introduced during this decade. The girls watched the only film image of Anne Frank. Their reflections and conversation about Anne Frank were tender. They had many questions about Anne Frank and the Holocaust. I explained to the girls that we don't go into great detail in fourth grade and that they would explore in greater detail in MS and US.

The girls created an equation bingo game. I love this version because it's eco-friendly. We didn't have to spend 15 minutes picking up little squares of paper:) Problem solving took us to the Magic Kingdom- nothing like a virtual math field trip to Disney World during the last couple of weeks of school. They practiced large number calculation with a variety of Musical Moments (music was student choice). I made these problems very difficult and was delighted that so many girls were successful on their first try. Great attention to details!

Excel isn't just for accountants. The girls created a Fourthie memory poster in Excel. They used a few formatting tricks and created a 20" x 20" poster. Each girl included a precept that resonated with her. 

The girls put the finishing touches on their Stickman writing lab. They made a dramatic recording of the adventure. Take a listen. We read Ray Bradbury's science fiction short story, All Summer in a Day. It's the story of a colony on Venus and the sun shines for only an hour every 7-9 years. It was the perfect story for the month of May. I don't know about you but we were soo happy to finally see the sun!

The Fourthie Party was a huge hit. Many thanks to the parents who brought in treats and chaperoned. It truly takes a village. I hope everyone received their assembly tickets??? They were in the work folders that went home on Monday. Practice for the assembly begins on Tuesday:

Final Assembly Rehearsals:
Tuesday 5/31- 1:00-2:00
Wednesday 6/1- 1:00-2:00
Thursday 6/2- 8:30-9:45
Assembly Friday, June 3rd @ 9:00

There is a page on the blog that has activities to reinforce skills over the summer. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Girls- your final blog question........ Who wrote the short story, All Summer in a Day?

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