Friday, May 13, 2016

Post #33

All is cool in M02! We dimmed the lights, opened windows, and stayed hydrated. A little outdoor learning was helpful too. Continue to send the girls in layers. We are all hopeful that the AC will return by Monday:)

The girls celebrated their compliment achievement with fun treats, a movie, and lovies all while wearing relaxed clothes. We also celebrated the final Fact Contract with an icy treat. Homework shouldn't be too taxing during the next two weeks. The last Wordly Wise and spelling quizzes will be next Friday.

The girls made a great impression on Wednesday during Middle School Orientation. They returned tired but excited about the opportunities and independence that they will experience next year. 

We wrapped up the 1930's with some editing practice using clips from the 1939 film sensation- The Wizard of Oz. We are now in the 1940's discussing, reading, and writing about World War ll and the impact this war had on American families. 

A great deal of time was spent on the bedroom design project. Most have finished their scale drawings and are now making their artist rendition using a variety of mediums. Finding perimeter and area of rectangles was reinforced this week. The girls are able to explain the difference between the two and understand the formulas. Problem solving took us across the USA

Creative writing featured hydrated and energetic babies. The girls read and presented their creative writing to the class. I love their confidence and poise during these kinds of activities. 

Important Information:
* Reserve your tickets for the final assembly. Fourthie parents are seated up front. Here's the link.
* Fourthie Party- Thursday, May 26th (12:00-3:00 swimming and a movie). More details next week.
* Robotics applications are due by 5/20/16.

Final Assembly Rehearsals:
Tuesday 5/31- 1:00-2:00
Wednesday 6/1- 1:00-2:00
Thursday 6/2- 8:30-9:45
Assembly Friday, June 3rd @ 9:00

Girls- Your mystery blog question is..... What year was The Wizard of Oz shown to American children?

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