Friday, May 20, 2016

Post #34

We love Mr. Demery and the example he sets for the girls each day. He is a hard working and kind man who is a gift to St. Catherine's. The girls celebrated his birthday by making hats, cards, and surprising him with doughnuts. Ms. Adkins crashed the party:)
The girls worked with math terms and Wordly Wise words and made creative talking avatars using Voki. Here's a sample from Grace S. You can check out your daughter's creation here.

The final writing lab was started and is in full swing. The girls are writing a news article about the trial and tribulations of the Stickman or Stickwoman. They are turning their articles into drama filled radio broadcasts. I'll post the broadcasts next week when all are finished. Editing practice is more fun when the girls create the sentences. They are using sound bites from movies and writing sentences packed with errors that will be carefully corrected next week. This is a complicated process that requires the girls to use many tools which results in a movie that can be shared with all. Once they master the steps they turn around and teach a classmate. You can take a look at this example by Lauren:
We've made many memories in fourth grade and will preserve them in a variety of ways. This week the girls created a dodecahedron (a 12 sided polygon) and decorated  it with memories of their last year in Lower School. Area of triangles and parallelograms extended the math unit. Problem solving featured the 1971 Coke commercial with a catchy tune. We were singing it all day:) 

The girls are reading and writing about World War ll and the role and contributions of women at home and abroad. They were especially interested in Internment Camps following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I love listening to them discuss history. They can be very insightful.

Friday was a fun day for all! The choir girls spent a perfect day at Busch Gardens and the rest of us walked to Boyers and Pearls for a treat. Fun!

Important Information:
* Fourthie Party- Thursday, May 26th (12:00-3:00 swimming and a movie). Girls will need a one piece bathing suit, swim cap, towel, and goggles (optional).

Final Assembly Rehearsals:
Tuesday 5/31- 1:00-2:00
Wednesday 6/1- 1:00-2:00
Thursday 6/2- 8:30-9:45
Assembly Friday, June 3rd @ 9:00
Look for your assembly tickets in your daughter's work folder (it will go home on Monday)

Girls- Your blog question......
What is Monday's homework? 

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