Thursday, May 26, 2016

Post #35

What if Disney princesses were real life heroines? The girls are writing fairy tales about real life princesses. They are using the elements of a fairy tale but also including historical facts. We'll have
"Story Time" next week when the girls present their fairy tales to the class.

We wrapped up the 1940's and took a look at the many inventions and products introduced during this decade. The girls watched the only film image of Anne Frank. Their reflections and conversation about Anne Frank were tender. They had many questions about Anne Frank and the Holocaust. I explained to the girls that we don't go into great detail in fourth grade and that they would explore in greater detail in MS and US.

The girls created an equation bingo game. I love this version because it's eco-friendly. We didn't have to spend 15 minutes picking up little squares of paper:) Problem solving took us to the Magic Kingdom- nothing like a virtual math field trip to Disney World during the last couple of weeks of school. They practiced large number calculation with a variety of Musical Moments (music was student choice). I made these problems very difficult and was delighted that so many girls were successful on their first try. Great attention to details!

Excel isn't just for accountants. The girls created a Fourthie memory poster in Excel. They used a few formatting tricks and created a 20" x 20" poster. Each girl included a precept that resonated with her. 

The girls put the finishing touches on their Stickman writing lab. They made a dramatic recording of the adventure. Take a listen. We read Ray Bradbury's science fiction short story, All Summer in a Day. It's the story of a colony on Venus and the sun shines for only an hour every 7-9 years. It was the perfect story for the month of May. I don't know about you but we were soo happy to finally see the sun!

The Fourthie Party was a huge hit. Many thanks to the parents who brought in treats and chaperoned. It truly takes a village. I hope everyone received their assembly tickets??? They were in the work folders that went home on Monday. Practice for the assembly begins on Tuesday:

Final Assembly Rehearsals:
Tuesday 5/31- 1:00-2:00
Wednesday 6/1- 1:00-2:00
Thursday 6/2- 8:30-9:45
Assembly Friday, June 3rd @ 9:00

There is a page on the blog that has activities to reinforce skills over the summer. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Girls- your final blog question........ Who wrote the short story, All Summer in a Day?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Post #34

We love Mr. Demery and the example he sets for the girls each day. He is a hard working and kind man who is a gift to St. Catherine's. The girls celebrated his birthday by making hats, cards, and surprising him with doughnuts. Ms. Adkins crashed the party:)
The girls worked with math terms and Wordly Wise words and made creative talking avatars using Voki. Here's a sample from Grace S. You can check out your daughter's creation here.

The final writing lab was started and is in full swing. The girls are writing a news article about the trial and tribulations of the Stickman or Stickwoman. They are turning their articles into drama filled radio broadcasts. I'll post the broadcasts next week when all are finished. Editing practice is more fun when the girls create the sentences. They are using sound bites from movies and writing sentences packed with errors that will be carefully corrected next week. This is a complicated process that requires the girls to use many tools which results in a movie that can be shared with all. Once they master the steps they turn around and teach a classmate. You can take a look at this example by Lauren:
We've made many memories in fourth grade and will preserve them in a variety of ways. This week the girls created a dodecahedron (a 12 sided polygon) and decorated  it with memories of their last year in Lower School. Area of triangles and parallelograms extended the math unit. Problem solving featured the 1971 Coke commercial with a catchy tune. We were singing it all day:) 

The girls are reading and writing about World War ll and the role and contributions of women at home and abroad. They were especially interested in Internment Camps following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I love listening to them discuss history. They can be very insightful.

Friday was a fun day for all! The choir girls spent a perfect day at Busch Gardens and the rest of us walked to Boyers and Pearls for a treat. Fun!

Important Information:
* Fourthie Party- Thursday, May 26th (12:00-3:00 swimming and a movie). Girls will need a one piece bathing suit, swim cap, towel, and goggles (optional).

Final Assembly Rehearsals:
Tuesday 5/31- 1:00-2:00
Wednesday 6/1- 1:00-2:00
Thursday 6/2- 8:30-9:45
Assembly Friday, June 3rd @ 9:00
Look for your assembly tickets in your daughter's work folder (it will go home on Monday)

Girls- Your blog question......
What is Monday's homework? 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Post #33

All is cool in M02! We dimmed the lights, opened windows, and stayed hydrated. A little outdoor learning was helpful too. Continue to send the girls in layers. We are all hopeful that the AC will return by Monday:)

The girls celebrated their compliment achievement with fun treats, a movie, and lovies all while wearing relaxed clothes. We also celebrated the final Fact Contract with an icy treat. Homework shouldn't be too taxing during the next two weeks. The last Wordly Wise and spelling quizzes will be next Friday.

The girls made a great impression on Wednesday during Middle School Orientation. They returned tired but excited about the opportunities and independence that they will experience next year. 

We wrapped up the 1930's with some editing practice using clips from the 1939 film sensation- The Wizard of Oz. We are now in the 1940's discussing, reading, and writing about World War ll and the impact this war had on American families. 

A great deal of time was spent on the bedroom design project. Most have finished their scale drawings and are now making their artist rendition using a variety of mediums. Finding perimeter and area of rectangles was reinforced this week. The girls are able to explain the difference between the two and understand the formulas. Problem solving took us across the USA

Creative writing featured hydrated and energetic babies. The girls read and presented their creative writing to the class. I love their confidence and poise during these kinds of activities. 

Important Information:
* Reserve your tickets for the final assembly. Fourthie parents are seated up front. Here's the link.
* Fourthie Party- Thursday, May 26th (12:00-3:00 swimming and a movie). More details next week.
* Robotics applications are due by 5/20/16.

Final Assembly Rehearsals:
Tuesday 5/31- 1:00-2:00
Wednesday 6/1- 1:00-2:00
Thursday 6/2- 8:30-9:45
Assembly Friday, June 3rd @ 9:00

Girls- Your mystery blog question is..... What year was The Wizard of Oz shown to American children?

Friday, May 6, 2016

Post #32

It was a week packed with projects and multi-media galore! The girls are working with area and perimeter and scale drawings. Their learning is authentic. Map skills, states, and capitals were integrated into math this week. The girls calculated distances between the state capitals, practiced rounding and writing large numbers. They are in the process of a project we have called "Dream Bedroom." The girls are calculating paint amounts, collecting paint schemes, creating a scale drawing while designing their dream bedroom. An artist rendition is in the works during next week's math activities. A final "Fact Contract" and 'Pick 8" will go home on Monday. I talked with the girls about keeping their focus and maintaining their keen attention to detail in all that they do- especially math. NO slacking allowed in room M02!

Writing Lab #19 brought out the creativity in these Fourthies. This week's writing lab reinforced strong topic sentences while composing a "How To" or process essay. Each girl wrote about a scarf tying technique and of course added their own personal flare! They videotaped each other demonstrating the technique. There was the Sassy Sash, Bird Wing, Infinite Spin, and Francais Echarpe just to name a few. Writing samples are plentiful in your daughter's Google Drive so ask your daughter for a tour through her G- Drive. Here they are demonstrating their techniques:

We partnered with Mrs. Roberts' Fourthies and together the girls created thoughtful Haikus and Animotos.  Wordly Wise creative writing went in all different directions this week. Their work can be  seen in this shared folder.

History4Fourthies has us stuck in the Great Depression. The girls read about the Dust Bowl while listening to music from the decade. They imagined what Americans were thinking and experiencing on October 30, 1938 as they listened to the radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds. It's interesting to watch the girls sit and listen to a radio broadcast. Our world has become so visual that sometimes I think it's just nice to listen:) The girls are in the process of drawing what they imagine was going through the minds of families who gathered around their radios on October 30, 1938.

The girls earned 100 COMPLIMENTS! And we are ready to celebrate on Tuesday. We are going to enjoy a comfy clothes day, stuffed animals, indoor recess (not my idea of fun, but.....), and a movie.

And finally... Happy Mother's Day (your daughter has a poster for you). These posters are outside the classroom and folks have been commenting on them all week.

Important Info:
Book Fair is Monday- Wednesday. Our class visit is on Wednesday from 2:30-2:50. 
Middle School Orientation is Wednesday from 9:00-1:00.
Robotics letters went home today.

Girls-your mystery question is......
How many Fact contracts are left for you to complete this year? Bring your answer to class on Monday.