Friday, April 22, 2016

Post #30

Here's to GIRL POWER and Harriet Tubman!

The Fourthies in room M02 sure did cheer when we learned that Harriet Tubman will be on the twenty dollar bill. That decision sparked some lively discussion!

Our trip to the Federal District Court was a wonderful opportunity for the girls. They learned about our judicial system, toured the court room, holding cells, and Judge Lauck's chambers. The Naturalization Ceremony is one of my favorite Fourthie events. It is something every American should experience. The girls were polite, curious, and respectful throughout the trip- perfect St. Catherine's ambassadors. We continue to focus on immigration in History4Fourthies. The girls spent time researching immigration and the contributions of many naturalized citizens. 

Most girls have finished their book report. Each chose a way to report on the novel she read. We will share these next week and the girls will present their project to the class. You can see their work here.   

Several of the girls asked if Three Word Thursday could be in a Google Slideshow. They get a kick out of reading each other's work and the broader audience makes the learning authentic. The three words were important, hike, and smooth and the challenge was to include four multiples of seven. Creative doesn't come close to describing these girls. See for yourself:

The Jungle Book is over but we just can't get enough of it. The girls used the pictures to practice writing with quotes, using transitions, and incorporating Wordly Wise words. Some are pretty funny!

Fractions don't scare these Fourthies. They are mastering adding and subtracting with unlike denominators and are now reducing to lowest terms. They have a few cool tools that they can use to check their work including a fraction conversion calculator. The girls also learned the "magic" of a multiplication chart when it comes to reducing fractions. Ask your daughter for a demonstration. The math challenges are getting tough. Several girls solved the challenge this week which was very impressive. The girls will have a cumulative math assessment on Wednesday and a detailed review on Tuesday.

A few reminders....
* Please email me a family picture when you get a chance. The picture need not be recent and should include mother and daughter (other family members are fine too). We are going to create a project for the holiday that is coming up in early May:)
* Please remind your daughter to check the carpool schedule. Ellie L. and Alice are on next week.
* Late opening on Thursday.

Girls- your mystery question is.........
Which Fourthie chose to make an iMovie for her book report? Type your answer here.

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