Friday, April 15, 2016

Post #29

The girls had a blast on "Bike Day!" They came back totally exhausted but were enthusiastic about the beautiful Goochland campus and the fun they had. 
Many thanks to our great physical education staff for planning the event. 
Several of you have asked if the Fourthie play was videotaped and they answer is yes and no. The girls are watching the play in music class but because of copyright laws we are unable to post it online.

History4fourthies has us in The Great Depression. The girls are experiencing this unfortunate time in American history by listening to music from the decade, watching film clips, and journaling in their diary. In addition to the 1930's we are delving into immigration. The girls experienced a virtual trip to America, created a passport, and sent postcards explaining life in their new countries. They used an immigration map as part of a math problem solving activity while reinforcing geography skills. I love the discussions the girls are having about why people came and come to America. Our Immigration Unit will include a field trip downtown to the Federal Court. On Wednesday, April 20th the girls will have the opportunity to witness a Naturalization Ceremony.

We continue to celebrate National Poetry Month by reading and creating poems using both free verse and rhyme schemes. These clever girls wrote poems using their Wordly Wise words. It never ceases to amaze me how they can jump into a creative whirl of expression! Many girls extended their work with quotation marks and created multimedia projects. You can take a look here. On the topic of extending learning.... my apologies to the girls (and their families) who worked on the math challenge this week. I hit publish before checking my work. That's what happens when you don't carefully edit. Kudos to them for their perseverance.

In other math news...... The girls are making great strides in working with fractions. They are finding lowest common denominations, adding and subtracting, and reducing to lowest terms. Impressive work for fourth graders. 

Book reports were started today. This book report is about personal choice. Everyone is doing something a little different but all are including the literary elements.

Information for parents:
* Wednesday, April 20th Naturalization Ceremony field trip
* Friday, April 22nd Pizza Lunch (no need to pack a lunch unless your daughter has dietary restrictions or doesn't like pizza)
* Please add your daughter's name as you would like it to appear on her "Promotion Certificate"
* Please email me a family picture for a project we are going to work on in the coming weeks. The picture needs to include daughter and Mom but can include other family members too. It need not be a recent picture.

Girls- your blog question is......
What is in Bart Simpson's back pocket? Be ready to submit your answer first thing Monday morning.

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