Friday, April 1, 2016

Post #28

The Fourthies have been hard at work this week getting ready for their performance of The Jungle Book. I hope everyone can join us Wednesday afternoon for the 2:30 show in McVey. Please let Ms. Merrick know if your daughter needs ballet slippers for the show. A few girls were unsure about their "shoe situation."
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry is our new novel. The girls are really getting into this historical fiction novel set in Denmark during the Nazi occupation. The best part about reading a historical fiction novel with 10-year-old girls is watching the way they experience the characters and the empathy they show for their struggles. Non-fiction reading included the launch of a black women's caucus and the not-so-fastest snake. The girls explored Newsela and read an article of interest. They shared a quick summary of the article in TodaysMeet.

Who wants to be an April Fool? The Fourthie teachers earned that title today when the girls cleverly switched classes. We had a little "April Fool" fun with Three Word Thursday too. The girls watched this clip and used it as inspiration for their writing.

I am so pleased with the girls' focus and progress in our fraction unit. They are comparing fractions and were introduced to adding fractions with unlike denominators using manipulatives. We will continue this next week. The girls practiced rounding large numbers and extended the activity to include map skills with the states and capitals. Each week there will be a listening activity in math followed by states and capitals riddles. We'll be solving riddles in math class as an alternative to memorizing the states and capitals. These girls can handle the challenge!

Our grammar focus was on using quotation marks correctly. The girls will have a formal writing lab next week and practice some real world application. 

Don't forget to sign up for a Spring Conference and please let me know if you don't see a convenient time.
Girls- Your blog mystery question.......
Name one character and the Fourthie who plays the character on the billboard at the top of the blog post. Put your question here.

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