Friday, January 29, 2016

Post # 21

A mini week packed with big learning! We did our best to keep on schedule and accomplished quite a bit in spite of Mother Nature's cruel joke. I loved how these Fourthies kept up with homework, fact practice, creative writing, non-fiction reading, Wordly Wise and spelling review. I enjoyed their posts and pictures about their snow day frolics!

The girls had fun celebrating spirit week. Be sure to check out the pictures that our class photographer took. You'll have to scroll to the bottom to see the most recent pics.

The girls are just about finished with their iMovies about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. We'll have a movie day next week and watch the documentaries on the big screen. I love how they worked together- researching, writing, and creating the movies. Here they are if you want a sneak peek. Moving into the 1910's next week.

We stayed on course and the girls completed the unit 5 assessment in math. Ask your daughter about the power of mistakes. We talked often this week about growing from mistakes and how mistakes are essential to learning. It's all about the growth mind set. The tests are in their work folders. I reminded the girls to work carefully on their "Pick 8" problems. Next week's "Pick 8" are adding and subtracting decimals. Everyone can benefit from a little reminding regarding lining up decimals and maintaining a keen focus. "Pick 8" is a graded homework assignment.

All of a Kind Family was finished independently. The story ends with the birth of a long anticipated baby boy. So we decided to have a little fun for the culminating activity. The girls are in the process of making a birth announcement for this baby boy. Their announcement is keeping to the time period (turn of the twentieth century) and includes clever rhymes and images. I was able to locate the birth announcement for my older daughter to show as an example. Strange what you can find on a snow day:)
Girls- Your mystery blog question.......
How old will Annie be on her next birthday?

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