Friday, January 15, 2016

Post #18

Our beautiful New Year's bulletin board!
Doves of Peace for the New Year

The girls wrestled with multiplication, estimated traveling distances, made multiplication fortune tellers, problem solved with animal friends, and earned stars in Matific. They got creative with Matific monsters and used the site creatures for a little Wordly Wise creativity. The girls are quite clever when it comes to working Wordly Wise into their writing. We listened to sounds of nature around the world. They used the sounds to inspire their writing while reviewing cardinal directions, continents, countries, and oceans. More with sounds of nature next week.

Our grammar focus was using adverbs correctly. The girls explored a variety of interactive sites and incorporated adverbs into their writing lab. The girls have a writing folder in their Google Drives and are in the process of moving all of their writing activities into this digital portfolio. Ask your daughter for a peek into her writing portfolio. Fourthies love to write! You can see their clever thoughts in the creative writing composition books. And don't forget to follow your daughter's adventures on her blog for even more writing examples. Three Word Thursday(3WT) brings out the creativity in these Fourthies . Unfortunately there is usually an audience of one to enjoy the writing- me. This week the girls put their writing in a collaborative presentation so they could read and comment on each other's work. See for yourself:

All of a Kind Family should be finished by next Friday. The girls will write an alternate ending to the story using their creativity and what they have learned about the first decade in the 1900's. We continue to explore life in the 1900's. The girls read about the Wright Brothers and the 1908 San Francisco earthquake. They are writing about this natural disaster and are in the process of producing a movie that chronicles this devastating event. The drama meter is all over the place with this project!

Girls- Your blog question is when will be get our first inch of snow??? Make your prediction here.

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