Friday, December 11, 2015

Post #16

Christmas Countdowns at

It's kind of hard to believe that there is just one more week of school in 2015! This week was packed with fun and focus. The girls received their blog credentials and have been exploring Weebly, creating their blogs. Weekly blogging will be a class activity next semester. You might wonder why a Fourthie would want to blog. Written expression is just one aspect of student blogging. The girls blog to establish positive digital footprints while expressing their individuality. They're creating their own personal brand while sharing their passions, concerns, interests and more. Several girls have published their websites. Our sites are password protected. Please ask your daughter to share the password. 
The focus of this week's writing lab was summarizing. We used this clip as inspiration:

The girls out did themselves with their abstract noun project. Most are finished and you can check them out here

We are still exploring key events in the 21st century. The girls incorporated their knowledge of the 21st century in a math writing activity using personification. They are so creative! 

Fact fluency/recall is strong with this group of Fourthies. I am impressed with their motivation and determination. As the pace and difficulty of the math curriculum increases, fact fluency will be critical. The girls are well aware of this:) Adding and subtracting decimals was reinforced in a variety of activities this week. The girls will take an assessment on decimal concepts on Thursday. 

Gift Service Information:
Tuesday, Dec 15:
12:30-1:00 (4th grade recess): Mary, Joseph, Angel, Wise Men and Pages report to LS music room for costumes.
1:00-3:00 LS Choir rehearsal at River Road Church, Baptist. 
Wednesday, Dec 16
2:00-3:15  Grades 3 & 4 in LSAR (go through entire service)
Thursday, Dec 17:  
12:00-2:30 Grades 3 & 4 rehearse at River Road Church, Baptist. This is a dress rehearsal and students should come in costume and bring any necessary props with them to the church. String ensemble students bring instruments and music.
Friday, December 18:
8:15 Select students in Grades 3 & 4 (choir, string ensemble, scripture readers) and supervising faculty/parents load buses in McVey South lot. Depart for River Road Church, Baptist.
9:30 Gift Service
10:15 Conclusion of service; all students and faculty load buses to return to campus. Students return to classrooms where they will be picked up by parents.

Your blog question is...... What is your homework next week?

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