Friday, December 4, 2015

Post #15

It's the most wonderful time of the year..... but have no fear... 
"The Lamp of Learning is Still Burning" in room M02!
The girls have been super busy keeping the spirit of the Christmas season in their hearts while engaging in academic tasks. The Fourthies have (1) they're very own site- Holiday Frolics with curated content just for them. 

Christmas lights were earned during fact practice in math. They used the lights to decorate  (2) there homes (the faster your fact recall, the more lights you earned). From there the girls wrote persuasive letters to the mayor, doing their best to get (3) there house on The Tacky Light Tour. Look for these letters in next week's work folder. We have several wreaths on our windows and they were looking quite drab. To remedy this, the girls are decorating the wreaths with "mathaments"- think ornaments with a math connection. Each time they complete a math challenge they earn a "mathament" to decorate.

The Holiday Frolic site includes the 12 Days of Edpuzzle. Ask your daughter about a vegan Christmas, the lonely snowman, a tiny dancer, etc. Papers with muted ornaments are where the girls solve (4) they're EdPuzzles. Be on the look out for these: 
We took a look at Christmas by the numbers and solved equations involving huge numbers. Did you know that the United States produces 1,760,000,000 candy canes each year?
This week's writing lab was all about collaboration- but not with another Fourthie. The girls worked collaboratively with Rudolph and wrote letters to the reindeers asking for kindness and for the bullying to stop. We used Google Story Builder. The girls were quite clever. Take a look at (5) they're creativity.
A language arts project was started this week. The girls are writing scripts, gathering images, and making recordings that incorporate abstract nouns that represent their feelings and memories about Christmas, family traditions, and celebrations. The final project promises to be a heart-warming treat.

We finally got around to our 50 Compliment Celebration. The girls voted and decided on some sweet treats and an hour of sharing. I loved this idea. They shared their movie creations, animations, stories, and journals with each other. It's amazing to me how they enthusiastically expand on what we are doing in class. I can't say enough about their creativity!

Assorted information to ask your daughter about:
* The SCAN Christmas Service Project (hand-out is in agenda). Our class has been asked to bring in small gifts that would appeal to a 15 year old girl. We brainstormed ideas such ask thick winter socks, lip gloss, scarf, a notepad for journaling, gift card, etc. 
* The Spelling Bee (handout in agenda, digital copy). This is an optional activity.

Girls- Your blog question.......Please correct my homonym errors! Write your answer on the little slip of paper in your agenda.
PS- Blog credentials will be given out on Monday!!!

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