Friday, February 26, 2016

Post #24

Celebrating 75 compliments!

The girls worked together and earned seventy-five compliments just by being their best selves. Such a great group. We enjoyed some corn (of the popped variety as we say in fourth grade), watched an episode of The Jungle Book, and snuggled with lovies. Speaking of The Jungle Book, you've probably heard by now that the Fourthies will be preforming the play in April as a tribute to the seniors. All parts are equally important regardless of the amount of lines spoken or lyrics sung- that's the message I hope the girls brought home. The parent show is on Wednesday, April 6th at 2:30. I'll share more details abut the play in next week's post.

The Jungle Book  will be popping up throughout our curriculum for the next several weeks. The girls used a clip from the movie to solve division and multiplication word problems. Long division and multiple digit multiplication continue to be reinforced in math. Additionally the girls practiced decimal computation with an audio activity. We will do more of these kinds of math activities in the coming weeks.

Our grammar activities focused on using compound sentences to strengthen written expression. Ask your daughter about her emoji writing lab.

We are leaving the 1910's in history4fourthies. To sum up this decade, the girls worked collaboratively to create a poster of key events of World War 1. They also learned that the first crossword puzzle was introduced in the 1910's and created their own puzzle using Wordly Wise words. We will roar into the '20's next week.

Historical fiction books were finished and the culminating activity was a newspaper article of a key event. Here's a sample:

We are about to finish up A Song for Harlem by Patricia McKissak. The setting is in 1928 in Harlem, NY. The girls will learn even more about this time in our history when we enter the 1920's next week.

I want to brag a little about the girls' Wordly Wise quizzes. Their mean score was 97% and these were some tough words! Our next quiz isn't until after SPRING BREAK.

And now the second installment of "It's Good To Be Us!"
The girls worked on a collaborative writing activity. As you might imagine, this can be tough for 9 and 10 year olds. The girls spent some time reflecting on their role in the assignment and filled out a self-assessment rubric (look for this in next week's papers). They were thoughtful and honest in their responses. Here they are, hard at work:

A few FYIs:
* Don't forget that we are collecting non-perishable lunch items for CARITAS. Fourthies will assemble the lunches.
* Spring Conference sign-up
* Please encourage your daughter to check the carpool helper calendar.
* Please ask your daughter if she has working headphones/ear buds. We use them almost everyday and it creates a hardship when the girls are without them.

Girls- Your blog question.......
Which two Fourthies are in the front row in the compliment celebration picture?
NO jump start on Monday- I'll be on playground duty.

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